We need space, so we’ve priced our stock to move quickly
Have you ever wondered what happens to our ex-display furniture? We sell it at incredibly generous discounts. Why? Because we need the space for new showroom displays.
For example, below on the left, you can see a display of our fabulous new bedroom range. On the right is the equally awesome bedroom we’ve removed to make space, hence the reason we’re offering it at such a remarkable price.

But it’s not only bedroom furniture; we’ve got new stock arriving daily for living and dining rooms, so we’ve put lots of ex-display stock into our exceptional November Clearance Event with genuine savings of up to 65%. These fantastic deals are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t waste any time getting into the showroom, or you could miss out on a real bargain. All of the furniture is available for immediate delivery.
You can see some examples of the deals below, and more are listed on the Clearance Page of our website, but the best thing to do is come in and see the quality of the furniture for yourself; you’ll quickly realise just what great deals we’re offering.