Unfortunately, the John Dick & Son showroom has now temporarily closed. Our first priority is the health and wellbeing of our staff, customers and suppliers; so, like many other businesses, we are following Government advice and we have closed the showroom until it is safe to reopen.
However, we haven’t stopped work completely. Our design team continue to work on projects and will be in touch with their respective clients with updates when relevant. However, for now, our sales and delivery teams have been forced to take a break.
If you have an outstanding order, please bear with us, we will keep you informed as and when we receive information regarding delivery dates. You can also email us at info@johndickandson.co.uk
We will continue to share our case studies, and details of the products brought to you by many of the leading furniture, fabric and wall-covering manufacturers with whom we work. Hopefully, they will inspire you and help you see what can be achieved in your own home in the future.
Please stay safe during this challenging period, and we look forward to welcoming you back to our showroom very soon.